Terms And Conditions

Terms & Conditions for Booking of Courses at Fablab Singapore Polytechnic

The following Terms & Conditons shall apply to all persons and organizations wishing to book courses at Fablab SP (Fablab Singapore Polytechnic).

  1. Skills
    Skills are proficiency earned by attending courses at the Fablab.
    Members are only allowed to use the facilites in the Fablab when they have showed sufficient proficiency by attending Courses and passing the designated Skills tests offered by FablabSP.
  2. Users
    Fablab SP membership is open to all current full-time students and staff of the Singapore Polytechnic. All other persons (Part-time students, Public, etc) will require registration through PACE.
    Users of Fablab equipment must demonstrate the necessary skill and knowledge before being allowed to use the equipment. Training courses are available and conducted regularly for all users.
  3. Courses
    Training Courses are offered by FabLab SP to improve and provide skills in the use of Fablab equipment. The schedule of the courses will be determined by Fablab SP and will be advertised through its media channels.
    Members are encouraged to sign up for such courses when they are available so that they can increase their skill sets as well as acquire credits for use in Fablab equipment.
    Booking of these courses are done through the FLMS.
  4. Booking Process
    All bookings shall be made through the FLMS (Fablab Management System). Booking of some courses require pre-requisite skills
    Once a course is booked, you are obliged to attend and pass the skills criteria for the course.
    Once you have successfully attended the course, you will be awarded the skill level as well as a number of credits to be used against the booking of equipment.
    If you have attained a skill level, you may book and attend the same course, as a refresher, however, you will not be accorded any extra credits or advancement in skill levels
  5. Cancellation
    • Cancellations can be made and accepted up to 3 days before commncement of the course. Upon cancellation, the credits charged (if any) will be refunded to your account.
      For External Users, there will not be any Cash/Credit refund. You will be refunded in Fablab Credits which may be applied to your next booking.
    • FablabSP reserves the right to cancel any booking at any time without giving any reasons whatsoever. You will be refunded with the booking credit amount.
      FablabSP resevers the right to change your booking to another equivalent equipment with giving any reasons whatsover. You, however, have the right to cancel the booking without penalty.
    • Once cancelled, any attempt my the user to reinstate the booking shall be treated as a fresh application.
    • All cancellations must be made using the FLMS or by applying in-person to the Fablab Staff.
  6. Course Availability
    Courses availabe for booking will be listed in GREEN on the calendar.
    Courses that are un-available for booking will be listed in GREY. A Course may be un-available for booking for the following reasons:
    1. the registration date has passed.
    2. you do not have the pre-requisite skill sets/levels
    3. the course is reserved.
    4. the maximum registrations have been reached.


  • Fablab SP - Fablab Singapore Polytechnic
  • FablabSP includes the facilities at:
    • T11C Fablab Central
    • T1441~T1443 Fablab EA
    • MakerSpace @ Library